Mental Health First Aid

Learn To Support Someone in a Mental Health Crisis

Be Part of the Solution

Learn how to understand, recognize, and respond to someone who may be experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an evidence-based training focusing on the importance of early intervention. The curriculum teaches you tools to recognize mental health challenges, listen, and lead tough conversations, as well as how and when to refer someone to appropriate professional help.

Josselyn envisions a world in which Mental Health First Aid is as common as CPR. Learn more about how you can partner with us in this mission.

Contact the MHFA Team

MHFA Courses


For adults to assist other adults.


For adults who work with teens.


For teens to assist their peers.

What To Know

MHFA is a two-part program

  • Part one is a 2-hour, self-paced program
  • Part two is an instructor-led, interactive, day-long program

Led by Maggie Nash, MSW, M.Ed.
Director of Mental Health Education, Therapist

  • Certified Mental Health First Aid Trainer
  • Has certified nearly 4,000 community members
  • Led staff and student trainings at eight local high schools
  • Coaches 25 community MHFA trainers

What To Know

MHFA is a two-part program

  • Part one is a 2-hour, self-paced program
  • Part two is an instructor-led, interactive, day-long program

Led by Maggie Nash, MSW, M.Ed.
Clinical Education and Training Manager, Therapist

  • Certified Mental Health First Aid Trainer
  • Has certified nearly 4,000 community members
  • Led staff and student trainings at eight local high schools
  • Coaches 25 community MHFA trainers

Community Focused Training Courses

Josselyn has led MHFA training courses in more than 30 area schools, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and libraries. See the full list here.
Interested in a partnership opportunity? Contact us to learn more.

Contact the MHFA Team

Hear From Our Trainees

Lake Forest Academy Trainee
Schuler Scholar Program Trainee
Skills For Chicagoland’s Future Trainee
Northbrook Senior Center Trainee

Upcoming Trainings

  • Fall 2024 dates coming soon

Learn how to help someone in a mental health crisis.

You can make a difference. Start the conversation.

Contact the MHFA Team